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Carieră, schimbare, tranziție. Punct și de la capăt. The smart restart.

Outplacement.ro este o platformă dedicată carierei. Este vocea noastră către comunitate și către cei care-și doresc o schimbare profesională. Serviciul de outplacement este potrivit pentru un salariat – specialist, middle sau top manager – sau pentru o echipă întreagă, dacă pregătești un program de restructurare.

Bucharest, full-time

National Sales Manager – Modern Trade

Our client is a leader in the distribution sector, representing a large number of well-known global brands. We are looking for a National Sales Manager for the Modern Trade channel. The ideal candidate proved to be efficient in building strong relationships with strategic customers while leading and developing a strong and motivated sales team. The job is based in Bucharest and has national coverage.
Sales & Distribution


• Manage directly the Key Account Manager team and the field team; set clear directions for the team, review their performance and set action plans and timings for each element;

• Responsible for hiring, career development, performance management and all professional concerns of the team;

• Negotiate together with Key Account team contracts for each customer;

• Track, measure and evaluate sales metrics and trends;

• Participate in building the sales strategy of the company;

• Create and propose annual business sales plans for key accounts based on experience, historical trends and market realities;

• Prepare, propose and control the sales budget with financial and resource requirements for achieving the annual sales targets;

• Build and split annual and monthly sales targets to the sales team;

• Understand market trends and provide recommendations on brand positioning, pricing and promotions;

• Promote the company’s business conditions as a driver for volume growth for customers;

• Create for each managed customer a business plan, distribution objectives, price, shelf location and product image (DPSM), a timetable for implementing the company’s promotions/initiatives (aligned with the company commercial strategy).

Desired experience & skills:

  • Minimum 10 years of experience in FMCG Sales & Marketing, including in leadership role;
  • Bachelor’s degree or professional qualification in related field;
  • Experienced negotiator of commercial terms;
  • Excellent knowledge of sales analysis and metrics;
  • Ability in problem-solving and negotiation
  • Outstanding communication, interpersonal and leadership skills;
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills;
  • Proficiency in written and verbal English language;

To apply, please send your resume to lacramioara.radulescu@bpi-romania.com. Only eligible candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in complete confidentiality.

Jobul ți se potrivește?

Trimite-ne CV-ul tău

Vom contacta doar candidații eligibili. Toate aplicațiile vor fi tratate în deplină confidențialitate.

Ne angajăm să respectăm dreptul dumneavoastră la protecția datelor cu caracter personal, în conformitate cu toate legile și reglementările aplicabile, inclusiv Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor (UE) 2016/679 (denumit și GDPR). Vă rugăm să consultați Politica noastră de confidențialitate înainte de a aplica la această oportunitate de angajare.

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